





 Mission Driven Marketing And Money


 Purpose Of This Course

1.   Connect your life lessons from your Sacred Soul Journey to solving the pain of your clients – this is your Business Mission


2.   Clear blocks around earning money 


3.   Clear blocks around your self image of being an expert, a service provider that has services of value to the right person at the right time 


4.   Identify the energies that have been driving you throughout your life and connect it to your business. These energies become the thread of one necklace. The necklace is composed of personal and business experiences of your Sacred Soul Journey that can be expressed as your Mission


5.   Meet your Mission Sacred Guide 


6.   Love your business money numbers


7.   Have a simple Business Plan to chart out paths to reach your money goals


Friday, March 10, 2017


Recordings And Documents

 Click directly on the words that you want to access to launch your desired action: Replay, Download, Documents 



Class Links




Class Excerpts Links

  • Vishen Lakhiani 6 Phase Meditation Process: 


Phase 1: Compassion

Phase 2  :  Gratitude 

Think of things that you are grateful for that took place in your life in the past 24 hours

Phase 3  :  Forgiveness 

Anyone who you still feel anger, have a negative emotional charge when you think of them

Phase 4  :  Vision for your future 

A Vision of your ideal life 3 years into the future in a particular area of your life… A particular life theme that you want to focus upon projecting that into the future in 3 years as the ideal manifestation unfolded.

Phase 5  :  Perfect Day 

See how you conduct a perfect day.  Break your day down into each hour.  Break your day down in morning, afternoon, evening, night hours

Phase 6  :  The Blessing 

See your vision filled with God’s love and light.  Feel and see God’s Love And Light filling your entire body.


NOTE:  Here is a YouTube video of Vishen Lakhiani guiding an elongated, extended version of the his 6 Phase Meditation Process:


  •   Exercise:  Your Ideal Life In 3 Years 




  • Exercise:  Clearing Money and Self Worth Transmuting Blocks 



Trigger phrases and concepts to evoke your awareness of your blocks:


  • Notice what comes up for you when you think about earning money in your business.  What is the feeling that comes to consciousness?
  • Notice what comes up for you when you think about you believing that you bring value and have a level of expertise to offer at your current level of knowledge in your business.  What is the feeling that comes to consciousness?  

  •   Exercise:  Business Plan 



  • Marketing Statement Template:

I speak to __________________________________________________

Who are struggling with __________________________________________________

By showing/teaching them __________________________________________________

So that


  •  Exercise: Mission, Sacred Mission Guide, And Revisiting Your Intentions At The End Of The Class










Audio clip Sasha Sabbeth

Click below to listen to Sacred Peace meditation audio clip for rapid relaxation and a soothing
visit to your
Inner Sanctuary  

Click here for more information
about Sacred Peace MP3
And to order. 



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